Raymond Tishenko

Raymond Tishenko

Thoughts, ideas and general ramblings of a SharePoint and Infrastructure Consultant in Vancouver, BC

I'm addicted to coffee. There, I said it.



Hello World

Given this is a brand-new blog, here's the obligatory introductory post: Hello World!

To be certain, there's a good possibility the frequency of posting becomes nearly zero in a short time, but I'll be doing my best to ensure this is not the case. There is so much going on these days in the world of technology that there's no lack of subject matter to write about, I hope to add some insight and value (rather than noise) to the mix based on my perspective. Effectively, there are no good excuses for not writing any more.

Most of the content will be technical in nature and focussing on Microsoft SharePoint, Office 365, Windows Azure, and PowerShell - though from time to time I may broaden my horizons and write something regarding a completely different topic.

Thanks for taking the time to check it out, and feel free to let me know what you think of it in the comments below!

I'm addicted to coffee. There, I said it.

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